Why Is The Male Cat More Manja Than A Female? Expert Explains The Character

YOGYAKARTA Many cat lovers think that male cats are more spoiled than female cats. But why are male cats more spoiled, experts answer this question. According to experts, cats do not always have certain characters because many factors play a role. If your male cat in the house is more spoiled, first check what factors make him love and love his owner.

Cat personality is not much researched compared to research on dogs. The words Julie Posluns, ACAAB and the owner of Cat School were reported by the Daily Paw, Tuesday, March 21, some studies show that cats are loved and like to socialize. They also really like their human best friend, added Poslungs.

"Most researchers agree that we can judge cats from social skills, including the properties that characterize cats as friendly and loving. Based on some research on cat hospitality, few studies have supported that male cats are more loving," said Posluns.

Clinical tests were carried out by researchers at Oregon State University on the performance of cat intelligence. The result concluded that cats of both sexes are often spoiled as long as they are not hungry. While gender doesn't seem to make a difference in terms of affection. As is the case noted by Polluns, that spoiled and loving depends on the type of relationship with the owner.

The gender of the cat has no significant effect. Different from the gender of the cat owner. Women tend to pay attention to the anus, talk, and take time to play. Unlike men who more meet the needs of eating and drinking and not as careful as women. This affects how spoiled and loving cats are to their owners. The more beautiful they are treated properly and pampered, they will also do the same to their owners.

Well, if why is a male cat more spoiled, maybe because of other factors. Research found that cats that are pampered, spaying or neutering, affect their characters. Male cats are more loving after being castrated because of testosterone levels, which are usually associated with wandering and fighting behavior, declining. Experts think, therefore they are more spoiled and loving.

It is important to understand, not many studies state that male cats are more spoiled. This means that every condition of the cat and its owner plays a significant role. More importantly, cats have boundaries of interaction. They at some time don't like to be hugged, kissed, even twisted. This is a signal of the need to rebuild trust.