Regarding The Allegation Of Gratification Of The Deputy Minister Of Law And Human Rights, Expert: The President Must Intervene

JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights (Wamenkumham) with the initials EOSH (Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej) was reported to the KPK on suspicion of alleged corruption, gratification, or extortion in office by the Chairman of IPW Sugeng Teguh Santoso.

Trisakti University Criminal Law Observer Abdul Fickar has encouraged the KPK to be responsive in following up on allegations of corruption in the gratuities of the country's officials.

"I think what has been reported to the KPK, there must be strong evidence, I am sure that the KPK will process it. Therefore, the KPK must be responsive and summon the parties reported," Fickar told reporters, Tuesday, March 14.

He said that gratification above the value of Rp. 10 million must be reported because it is indicated to be an act of corruption. So according to him, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) must intervene if it is proven that a state official is suspected of corruption.

"If there is evidence, the President must intervene. Now what is important is clarifying the evidence for the reported party," he said.

As is known, HH is currently in the custody of the South Sulawesi Regional Police. Previously, IPW suspected that there was a criminalization committed by the South Sulawesi Regional Police against HH in the aftermath of the issue of PT CLM's share ownership.

Meanwhile, Political Communication Observer Emrus Sihombing assessed that the KPK would legally positively process the case independently, professionally and objectively.

According to him, Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights EOSH as a person based in the Government in the field of law should be grateful to those who reported it.

"Why do I say thank you? Because it becomes a legal education. So that later it will be open to the public that the person concerned is not as suspected to be or vice versa. Because he controls, understands and understands the law. Then based on my records he is a legal scientist. So this is his opportunity to show his struggle in legal channels," said Emrus.

The Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights, he continued, had to clarify to the KPK on charges aimed at him that became clear. Moreover, the KPK as a law enforcement institution, will work on a positive legal basis in handling corruption cases.

"KPK works on the basis of positive law, independent and not under any pressure. So just follow up whether the KPK will follow up on the report to the next legal process or not," he said.

Furthermore, related to the Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights of EOSH who was suspected of being 'circed' by hand for handing over the case to his two personal assistants, Emrus argued that as a scientist in the field of law, he should face the case chivalrally.

"As a legal scientist, EOSH should have said that 'yes, please report, I will face it in the legal process' is actually something that must be conveyed, as well as showing courage, because the field is legal, right?," said Emrus.

When the report is followed up by the KPK, then as someone who understands the law will face the report, even alone without a lawyer.

"If necessary without a lawyer, he who gave the response formally showed evidence and legal arguments that he was not involved or committed," he continued.

Previously, IPW Chairman Sugeng Teguh Santoso said that if there was a flow of funds worth Rp. 7 billion received by EOSH through two of his personal assistants. "In April and May (2022) there was one provision of funds of Rp. 2 billion each, Rp. 2 billion of Rp. 4 billion which was allegedly received by the Deputy Minister of EOSH through his personal assistant at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, brother YAR," said Sugeng at the KPK Building on Tuesday, March 14.

"Ini ada beberapa chat di sini. Ini dikatakan'mereka dua aspri saya' jadi ada chat ini terkonfirmasi bahwa saudara YAR ada satu lagi asprinya bernama YAM ini terkonfirmasi dalam chat ya," kata dia.

Furthermore, there was cash giving in August 2022 amounting to Rp. 3 billion in US dollars. YAR received the money in his room which was allegedly at the direction of the Deputy Minister of EOSH.

"The alleged extortion was experienced by HH, President Director of PT Citra Lampia Mandiri, related to the request for legal assistance by PT CLM to be ratified by AHU," he said.

Then on October 17, 2022, at around 12.00 WIB, funds of Rp. 4 billion plus 3 billion US dollars in cash were returned via transfer on behalf of YAR to PT CLM's account worth Rp. 7 billion.

That way, Sugeng said that the receipt of the 3 billion US dollars was confirmed or recognized by EOSH.

"But on October 17, 2022, at 14:36, PT CLM was sent again to an account named YAM aspri as well as from the brother of the Deputy Minister of EOSH as proven in these chats," he said.

Not only that, Sugeng said that EOSH asked HH so that his aspri named YAR could be placed as a Commissioner at PT CLM.

"Then it was accommodated with a notary deed, one person listed by YAR," he added.