PPP Ensures That It Is Still In KIB, A Political Lobby Is Carried Out To Increase Coalition's Strength

JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPP United Development Party (PPP) Achmad Baidowi emphasized that until now the party bearing the Kaaba is still in the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB).

He said, PPP communication or lobbying with other political parties (political parties) in order to increase the strength of the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB).

"So, the context of communication explored by PPP is to widen the wings to increase the strength of KIB," said Awiek, his nickname, in a statement quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, March 9.

Awiek also emphasized that PPP is still at KIB with the Golkar Party and PAN until now.

He explained that each political party in KIB was indeed given the flexibility to establish communication with other political parties in the context of exploring to join KIB.

"As our commitment is that KIB is open to adding coalitions," he said.

For this reason, he assessed that if the PDI-P collaborated with KIB, it would be a great strength in facing the 2024 election contestation.

Awiek said that members of political parties in KIB have the right to propose aspirations of potential names related to presidential candidate pairs to be discussed and decided together.

In addition, he also emphasized the PPP's stance that still supports the implementation of an open proportional system, as is the attitude of eight political parties in parliament who reject the closed proportional system in the 2024 General Election.

"The open proportional system is still worth defending, and this attitude is also contained in the DPR's statement when giving information in the trial at the Constitutional Court," he said.

He said that PPP was waiting for the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) on the judicial review of Article 168 paragraph (2) of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections (Pemilu) related to an open proportional system.

"Whatever decision issued by the Constitutional Court, PPP is still ready because in fact today's authority lies with the nine judges of the Constitutional Court to decide the case," said Awiek.

Previously, last Tuesday, Acting (Plt.) General Chairperson of PPP Muhamad Mardiono said that PPP opens the opportunity to establish political cooperation with the PDI-P.

"Yes, there is indeed a possibility," Mardiono told reporters when contacted in Jakarta.

In the near future, he said, PPP plans to stay in touch with the PDI-P. This gathering is an ordinary political meeting in order to keep democracy running well.