This Is Arian 13's Aspiration On National Music Day, About An Ideal Music Venue

JAKARTA - Every professional musician needs a music venue for them to perform their work. As musician Arian 13, who is also the band's vocalist, Seringai expressed her opinion about the need for a complete music venue in Indonesia at this National Music Day celebration.

March 9 is designated as National Music Day. This date was taken from the birthday of a composer who is also the creator of the national anthem Indonesia Raya, the late Wage Rudolf Supratman.

He expressed his hopes via Twitter regarding the lack of music venues that have complete facilities in Indonesia as in foreign countries.

"But indeed there must be people who dare to invest in music venues. We lack music venues. So relying on music festivals that will actually deal with licensing. Meanwhile, the legal music venue should have obtained a permit," said the man whose real name is Arian Arifin.

In addition, he also added one example of the music venue 013 Poppodium in Tillburg, Netherlands which can be used as a reference.

"For example, a rather large venue, 013 Poppodium in Tilburg, the Netherlands. The building is quite large, and there is 1 main room that can accommodate 3000 people, and next to it there is a small room to accommodate 700 people," he explained.

"The standings is also a space for conferences, talk shows, or fine arts exhibitions or small photography. Inside building 013, there are about 6 bars, consisting of 2 large & 2 small bars in the main room, and 2 small bars in small rooms," he continued.

"The BACKstage is well-designed so that the production team and performers are also comfortable. For people with disabilities or special needs, usually on the right side of the room playing stage there is their space to watch, wear a riser. If there are small rooms, unfortunately not," he added.

"This is only 1 venue, I imagine that in one big city there are 10 proper venues. Not to mention the bar show culture, small and intimate. Nightlife has other options besides club places or dance clubs. And this event also runs not only on weekends, but indeed every day there is," he said ending his aspirations on this National Music Day.