After a Year of Operation, These 2 Actors Target a Number of Stalls in Cilacap to Sell Mixed Elpiji

CILACAP - Officers from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cilacap Police, Central Java, revealed a case of abuse of subsidized LPG which was carried out by mixing 3 kilograms of LPG into 12 kg cylinders.

"This case was revealed thanks to information from the public received by our members on February 28, 2023", said Cilacap Police Chief Commissioner Police Fannky Ani Sugiarto accompanied by Head of Satreskrim Commissioner Guntar Arif Setyoko during a press conference at the Cilacap Police Headquarters, Antara, Wednesday, March 8.

According to him, this information is related to the abuse of subsidized LPG by mixing or transferring LPG from a 3 kg cylinder to an empty 12 kg cylinder at SRT's house (54), Jalan Madukara RT 01 RW 02, Tritih Wetan Village, Jeruklegi District, Cilacap.

Based on this information, he continued, officers from the Cilacap Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Tipiter) visited the location and found an atmosphere indicating that there had just been the transfer of subsidized LPG into empty cylinders measuring 12 kg.

"In that place, the officers found tools suspected of being used to abuse subsidized LPG", he explained.

About these findings, the Chief of Police said that the Cilacap Police Crime Unit officers immediately secured SRT and a colleague with the initials NT (47), residents of Sidakaya Village, Cilacap Selatan District.

Apart from that, he said, officers also secured several pieces of evidence in the form of 135 3 kg gas cylinders, 54 12 kg gas cylinders, a pickup truck, hundreds of fake seals, a mixing tool, and IDR 2 million in cash.

"Based on the inspection, the 12 kg LPG produced from the mix was sold to stalls for IDR 180,000-IDR 200,000 per cylinder. This has been done for almost a year", he said.

According to him, SRT and NT who have been named as suspects are just ordinary sellers and are not registered as LPG agents, while the subsidized LPG used to fill the 12 kg cylinders was bought from stalls.

In addition, he said, the practice of mixing LPG was an illegal act and was carried out by the suspect to gain profit because in one month a profit of up to IDR 10 million could be obtained.

According to him, the 12 kg mixed LPG which weighs not according to the measurement and has been circulating in the stalls has been withdrawn from the market.

In connection with this act, the Police Head said the two suspects were charged with Article 55 of Law Number 22 of 2001 concerning Oil and Gas which carries a penalty of six years in prison and a fine of IDR 60 billion.