BNN Destroys 40,000 Cannabis Stems in North Aceh as a Result of Drone Operations
BANDA ACEH - The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) destroyed 40 thousand cannabis stems weighing 20 tons which were planted on a four-hectare land in Alue Garot Hamlet, Teupin Reusep Village, Sawang District, North Aceh District, Aceh.
Narcotics Director Deputy for Eradication of BNN Brigadier General Roy Hardi Siahaan said the destruction of the cannabis fields accelerated the war on drugs.
"Four hectares of cannabis fields were found at three points. The destruction involving 140 joint personnel was carried out by uprooting and burning", said Roy Hardi, reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, March 8.
He said the discovery of the cannabis field was the result of identification carried out by BNN and the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN).
"The cannabis field was discovered through the imagery of an unmanned aircraft which was then investigated from 28 February to 5 March 2023", said Roy Hardi.
From the results of the investigation, he said, three points of cannabis fields ready for harvest were found in Alue Garot Hamlet, Teupin Reusep Village. The total area of the fields reaches four hectares consisting of 40 thousand cannabis stems weighing 20 tons.
"The height of the cannabis plants in the field ranges from 20 centimetres to two meters. The plant density is 50 centimetres apart. The cannabis plants are intercropped with areca nut, at an altitude of 143 to 202 meters above sea level", said Roy Hardi.
Roy Hardi said the destruction of the cannabis fields was a form of eradicating narcotics carried out by the National Narcotics Agency by Article 111 Paragraph (2) of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.
He said the article stipulates a ban on growing, maintaining, storing, controlling or providing narcotics class one type of cannabis with a maximum threat of the death penalty or life imprisonment.
"BNN emphasizes that there is no talk of legalizing cannabis. It should be noted that North Aceh, especially Teupin Reusep Village, is a pilot project area for the 'Grand Design Alternative Development' program besides Aceh Besar, Bireuen and Gayo Lues which was initiated by BNN", said Roy Hardi.