Visiting Sultan HB X, National Police Chief Discusses Security In The Special Region Of Yogyakarta

YOGYAKARTA - National Police Chief Gen. Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo met the Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono (HB) X to discuss the situation of security and public order (kamtibmas).

"Small talk related to the security and order situation," Listyo told media crew after meeting Sultan HB X for more than 2 hours at Gedhong Wilis, Yogyakarta Kepatihan Complex, DIY, Friday, March 3, reported by Antara.

Listyo said that the Polri ranks needed input from various parties, including Sultan HB X regarding the duties that must be carried out as protectors and protectors of the community.

"The National Police needs to take steps and input regarding the situation and tasks that must be carried out as a protector and protector of the community to support security and order and others. We discussed these matters and asked for his (Sri Sultan's) input," he said.

Meanwhile, Sultan HB X said that the problem of community security and order had indeed become a national problem. Because of that, according to him, discussions are needed not only at the central level, but input from the regions, including DIY.

Especially now, DIY has a Resident Guard which can be an important part of guarding the security of the village.

"Incidentally the DIY Regional Police Chief often holds dialogues in the sub-districts. So I hope that the violence has reduced, even though there was the last (violence case) at Point Zero," he stated.