Family Village Claimed As An Effective Way To Overcome Stunting And Extreme Poverty

JAMBI - BKKBN Deputy for Population Control Bonivasius Prasetya Ichtiarto emphasized the importance of cross-sectoral mutual cooperation in building Quality Family Villages to accelerate and address issues related to stunting and extreme poverty in Jambi City.

"The development of quality human resources requires the support of various integrated sectors and parties, so collaboration and convergence within the framework of implementing Quality Family Villages is one of the determining factors for its success," he said when launching the Healthy Kitchen for Overcoming Stunting (Dashat) as well as the Declaration of Quality Family Villages quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, March 1st.

He explained that apart from the government, the non-government sector, such as the business world, non-governmental organizations, universities and professional organizations, religious organizations, development partners, and community participation can be involved in optimizing Quality Family Villages.

He also appealed to cross-sectors to no longer see Quality Family Villages as belonging to the BKKBN, but as a joint program where all parties can carry out their duties synergistically and converge or work together.

Quality Family Village is a concept of accelerating family development using an integrated and mutual cooperation approach to empowering individuals, families, and communities by cross-sectors and parties at various levels of government.

On that occasion, he also appreciated the Jambi City Government for establishing and managing 12 Quality Family Villages in 11 sub-districts.

Meanwhile, Jambi Deputy Mayor Maulana said the spearhead of successful development is the family and all development starts with the family.

"Don't let families become malnourished. Optimistic that stunting in Jambi City will continue to decrease. We must continuously work in cross-sectoral synergy in an effort to reduce stunting," he said.