Indosurya Case Is Claimed To Tarnish Indonesian Cooperation Unit's Image

JAKARTA - Cases of default and allegations of money laundering by troubled savings and loan cooperation unit and fraud or embezzlement by Indosurya, tarnished the image of cooperation units throughout Indonesia.

Chairman of the Indonesian Cooperation Forum (Forkopi) Andy Arslan Djunaid said that even though many cooperation units carry out their functions and duties according to the provisions.

“Fake cooperation units tarnish cooperation units throughout Indonesia. That is what is said "one rotten apple spoils the whole barrel". In Indonesia there are still tens of thousands of good cooperation units," he said, quoting Antara, Monday, February 27.

Forkopi said that Indosurya and the 12 problematic cooperation units were not real cooperation units, but fake cooperation units, because they were far from implementing the values, principles, and identity of the cooperation unit.

As a result of the troubled cooperation unit, said Andy, quite a number of members took their savings because they were afraid of experiencing a similar incident.

"Is this not harmful? Yes, it's harmful. Doesn't it cause fear? Yes, fear. I myself turn it back to myself, if I'm not a member of the cooperation unit, naturally I'm afraid. This is not good and we need to straighten it out, but when the government is angry, it's difficult for us," he said.

Based on data from the Ministry of cooperation unit and SMEs, the number of cooperation units in Indonesia is 127,846 units.

The number of dispersed cooperation units consists of 111,818 cooperation units or 87.46 percent of cooperation units whose legal entities are issued by districts/cities.

A total of 9,365 cooperation units or 7.33 percent of legal entities were issued by the province and 6,663 cooperation units or 5.21 percent of cooperation units whose legal entities were issued by Kemenkopukm.

Judging from the type of consumer cooperation unit there are 71,480 cooperation units, 8,350 service cooperation units, 25,891 producer cooperation units, 3,969 marketing cooperation units, and 18,156 Savings and Loans cooperation units.

Out of a large number of cooperation units, Forkopi members consider it unfair if the image of cooperation units throughout Indonesia becomes bad just because there are 12 problematic cooperation units.

Forkopi chairman Andy also emphasized that there are still many good cooperation units that even contribute to improving the welfare of members and the community.

He also questioned the findings of the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) regarding the crime of money laundering by 12 savings and loan cooperation units with total funds exceeding IDR 500 trillion.

"We are worried about public opinion as if other cooperation units are like the practice of Indosurya etc, even though the data from the Ministry of cooperation unit, the volume of cooperative business in Indonesia is only IDR 182 trillion, how can 8 or 12 cooperation units reach IDR 500 trillion," said Andy.