Parliament Approves New Minister of Home Affairs and Head of SBU, President Zelensky Asks to Stop Polemic on Change of Minister of Defense

JAKARTA - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky thanked parliament on Tuesday for approving his proposed candidate for cabinet, calling for an end to "rumors or other false information" that could undermine unity in the war against Russia.

His remarks about the rumours, in a speech to parliament, were apparently intended to end public speculation about whether Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov will be removed, underscoring that only the president can take and announce such a decision.

In his evening video address, President Zelensky said parliament had supported SBU Security Service Head Vasyl Malyuk and Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko.

The two previously appointed persons perform the work in an executive capacity. President Zelensky especially thanked the deputies for "confirming, the head of the SBU my submission."

"Now we have people who have gained experience of such wars," President Zelensky said.

"People like that should appear more in positions at various levels in central and regional government," he explained.

There was uncertainty over Reznikov's future after David Arakhamia, a senior lawmaker and ally of the president, said on Sunday Reznikov would be replaced following a corruption scandal in the ministry.

A day later, Arakhamia said there would be no personnel changes this week, apparently backtracking after President Zelensky remained silent about Reznikov's future and other politicians publicly defended the ministerial note.

Writing earlier on the messaging app Telegram, President Zelensky made no direct reference to the incident.

"We are taking personnel and institutional measures at various levels in the defense and security sector that can strengthen Ukraine's position," President Zelensky said, citing his address to parliament.

"Necessary information is provided regarding each of these steps, both personnel and institutional - at the level at which decisions are made," he stressed, underlining that such decisions are only the responsibility of the president.

At the same time, President Zelensky thanked all those who helped maintain the unity of Ukraine, which was invaded by Russia nearly 12 months ago.

"I thank everyone who refrains from spreading rumors or other pseudo-information that could weaken our people's focus in their work for a victorious Ukraine," he said.

"Only by helping our country, not letting the enemy play on the emotions of our people and doing everything possible so that our soldiers have more weapons, can we ensure Ukraine's success. And we will do it!" he concluded.