The IKN Law Does Not Refer To Regional Government Law

BALIKPAPAN - Deputy for Controlling Development of the Indonesian Capital City Authority (IKN) Thomas Umbu Pati Tena Bolodadi reminded that Law (UU) Number 3/2022 concerning IKN does not refer to Law Number 23/2014 concerning Regional Government.

Thomas in the "Public Consultation Forum for Law Number 3/2022 concerning IKN", emphasized that the IKN Law is a special law, or commonly called lex specialis. In full legal language it is called lex specialis derogat legi generalis.

Therefore, if there are things that are not in accordance with the law or other regulations regarding IKN, then what is used is the provisions contained in the UU IKN.

"If the IKN Law refers to Law 23/2014, then it won't be an IKN," said Thomas asserting as reported by ANTARA, Monday, February 6.

Thomas' statement was partly to answer the status of an IKN authority head, including how the future of Sepaku and Semoi Districts would be.

The IKN Law is also a manifestation of what President Jokowi has often conveyed on various occasions, namely about new ways of thinking and acting.

"So the status as a minister, for example, and along with the ministerial position is attached to service standards that can be received, then the spirit of the IKN Law is not like that. I, or we IKN Authority officials continue to work even though there are no aides or have to do many things ourselves," explained Thomas Umbu Pati.

The position of Head of the IKN Authority is known to be equivalent to the position of a minister and is directly responsible to the President.

During the Public Consultation Forum, a number of questions arose, such as what about the fate of the local indigenous people or indigenous peoples who live in Sepaku and Semoi.

"We have sacrificed a lot for IKN, even before the IKN was tangible and existed," said Sofyan, who represents the Paser indigenous people.