Indonesia's GPA Drops 4 Points, KPK: Irony But No System Improvement
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said that the decline in Indonesia's corruption perception index (GPA) from 38 to 34 was an irony. Everyone needs to pay attention.
"This is a concern and irony for all of us and this shows that all of our hard work cannot only be from downstream", said KPK deputy chairman Nurul Ghufron in a YouTube broadcast on Stranas PK, Thursday, February 2.
Ghufron said the decline in Indonesia's GPA must be immediately followed by revamping the system. Because it is felt that the prosecution that has been carried out so far, including by the KPK, will not be enough to eradicate corruption.
"It's not enough, sir, to be arrested, arrested, arrested but there is no improvement in the system, there is no commitment to improvement, there is no improvement in integrity", he said.
"So what friends always say, (corruptors, ed) are caught only the unlucky but the system is still bad", continued Ghufron.
Furthermore, the state is expected to be present immediately to fix various things. Ghufron said that the farther the community is from corrupt practices, the better the service for them.
"Our desire to improve the system is actually our orientation. So what? Arresting corruption is not the goal, but the best is state service for the people", he said.
Indonesia's GPA dropped four points from 38 to 34. This assessment was submitted by Transparency International Indonesia (TII).
"Indonesia's CPI in 2022 is at a score of 34 out of a scale of 100 and is ranked 110th out of 180 countries surveyed. This score is down four points from 2021 and is the most drastic decline since 1995", said Deputy Transparency International Indonesia (TII) Wawan Suyatmiko in Jakarta, Tuesday, January 31.
Three sources of data have decreased compared to the previous year, namely PRS, which fell 13 points; IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook which fell 5 points; and PERC Asia which fell by 3 points.
Furthermore, three data sources experience stagnation, namely Global Insight, Bertelsmann Transformation Index, and the Economist Intelligence Unit. Meanwhile, the ones that have increased are the World Justice Project–Rule of Law Index and the Varieties of Democracy Project (VDem).
With a GPA of 34, Indonesia is now under Timor Leste and Vietnam with a score of 42. Meanwhile, for the Southeast Asian region, Singapore is the least corrupt country with a score of 83.
Meanwhile, at the global level, Denmark is ranked first with a GPA of 90 followed by Finland and New Zealand with a GPA of 87, Norway with 84, Singapore and Sweden with 83 and Switzerland with 82.
While in the lowest position was Somalia with a score of 12. Syria and South Sudan got a score of 13 and Venezuela got a score of 14.