Perpetrators Of Blocking ATMs In Tangerang Arrested, Police Find Iron Earmuffs As Evidence

TANGERANG - The police arrested two of the seven conspirators who were suspected of blocking ATMs in the Pinang area, Tangerang City. The two perpetrators had the initials Y (30) and EH (30). From the results of the arrest, the police confiscated a number of pieces of evidence, one of which was an ear plug.

Tangerang Metro Police Chief, Kombes Zain Dwi Nugroho said there were still five other perpetrators who were still being pursued. The 5 people had the initials HU (30), RS (23), RO (28), PA (28), and R (24).

"(5 DPOs) are still being pursued, all came from South Sumatra, they were identified based on CCTV footage and witnesses," said Zain in his statement, Wednesday, February 1.

Zain explained that the incident started when his party received a report of a person who had suffered a loss of IDR 104 million. It is known, the loss occurred because it was suspected of being a victim of an ATM block.

Long story short, members of the Pinang Police while on patrol saw a number of suspicious people around Indomaret Pinang.

"We secured it when we were about to block the ATM mode again in the Pinang area, (the rest) fled during the ambush," he said.

In addition to arresting the perpetrators, the police also confiscated the tools used by the perpetrators to carry out the ATM tampering action.

Now the perpetrator has been named a suspect. He was subject to Article 363 of the Criminal Code on theft with a sentence of 5 years in prison.

"Evidence in the form of hacksaws, ear plugs, modified bank sharing ATM cards were obtained from the two perpetrators who were caught, then we carried out further investigations and arrested 5 other perpetrators," said Zain.