The Body That Was Found In The Plug It Turned Out That A Member Of The PDIP Party, There Was A Wound On The Head

Police officers are still investigating information regarding the discovery of the body of a man named Mustakim (33) in a ditch on Jalan Pesanggrahan Raya, South Jakarta, Monday morning, January 30.

After the examination, the police found a number of identities, such as Vehicle Registration Certificates (STNK), Identity Cards (KTP), Driving Permits (SIM) and PDIP Party Membership Cards (KTA).

The Head of Pesanggrahan Police, Kompol Nazirwan, admitted that he could not conclude about the discovery of the KTA. Therefore, his party is currently investigating the membership of the victim.

"Still being investigated first. I'll make sure again, I'll check first," Nazirwan said when confirmed.

Regarding the injuries suffered by the victim, Nazirwan said there were a few injuries to the forehead. However, to determine the cause of death, they are still waiting for the results of the post-mortem by the medical team.

"If the results of the TKP check, the team saw that they found abrasions on their foreheads, of course we will wait for the results of the post-mortem," he said.

The discovery of the bodies of the men in Selokan

A man with the initials M (33) was found dead in a ditch in Pesanggrahan Raya, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta, Monday morning, January 30.

Kapolsek Pesanggrahan, Kompol Nazirwan admitted that he still could not conclude the cause of death, because an investigation is still underway.

"Yes, it's true this morning (the discovery of the corpse). The case is still under investigation," Nazirwan told reporters, Monday, January 30.

The incident began with a resident who intended to go to the sub-district office. Then when passing at the crime scene (TKP) a man was found in a ditch.

The victim has been taken to Fatmawati Hospital, South Jakarta for post-mortem.

"While the body has been taken to Fatmawati Hospital for post-mortem," he concluded.