Anticipating Extreme Weather, Central Lombok BPBD Creates Disaster Alert Villages
PRAYA - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) for Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara has prepared a budget for the establishment of 145 disaster-prepared villages as a mitigation effort in anticipation of natural disasters during extreme weather.
"In 2023, two villages are proposed for the establishment of a disaster preparedness village," said the Head of the Central Lombok BPBD, Ridwan Maruf, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, January 25.
He said the establishment of a disaster alert village in the framework of increasing community preparedness in dealing with disasters was carried out in stages, due to budget constraints.
"We will form this disaster preparedness village in stages," he said.
Based on data to date, the number of disaster preparedness villages in Central Lombok that has been formed is 36 villages such as those in the south and north as well as in the City of Praya.
The disaster alert village was formed in areas prone to natural disasters such as floods and landslides.
"From 145 villages and sub-districts, only 36 villages have been designated as disaster preparedness villages," he said.
He said a disaster prepared village is a village that has the independent ability to adapt and face the threat of disaster. In addition, it is hoped that residents can participate in recovering themselves immediately from the adverse effects of a disaster if they are hit by a disaster.
"When a disaster occurs, the community can already anticipate, before the officers arrive to provide assistance. That is the purpose of establishing this disaster preparedness village," he said.
With the formation of the disaster alert village, the impact of natural disasters that can be caused can be reduced and prevent casualties.
"Disaster mitigation is important when a natural disaster occurs," he said.