Ministry Of Transportation Ensures The Implementation Of Zero ODOL Applies This Year, But...

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) has confirmed that the Zero Over Dimension Over Load (ODOL) ban policy will be enforced this year.

However, this policy was not carried out immediately as a whole but gradually.

The Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi, seems to be still trying to implement Zero ODOL through various discussions.

This is to ensure the stages of implementation.

"For the ODOL, we are currently having discussions to just do the phasing. Maybe this month, what month, we will report later. If from Commission V there are representatives (can) participate in the discussion," he said in a meeting with Commission V written on Thursday, January 19.

Meanwhile, the Spokesperson for the Ministry of Transportation, Adita Irawati, ensured that the Zero ODOL policy would take effect this year. However, implementation will be carried out in stages.

"What is clear is that this year we will definitely implement it, but in stages," said Adita.

Previously it was reported, the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) through the Directorate General of Land Transportation ensured that there would be no delay in the 2023 ban on overloaded trucks (ODOL). The implementation of the Zero ODOL 2023 policy will not experience any more delays.

Director General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation Hendro Sugiatno stressed that this policy has become a joint policy between stakeholders. Starting from the Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of PUPR, Ministry of Industry, Korlantas to Industrial Associations.

"Until today there has been no policy regarding revocation or postponement of Zero ODOL in 2023. So in 2023, we will still implement Zero ODOL," he said at the Ministry of Transportation's Year-End Press Conference, 2022 Performance Achievements and Ministry of Transportation Work Plan 2023, Tuesday, December 27.

Hendro said the Zero ODOL policy would be implemented in stages. These stages will be formulated so that the policy can be implemented properly.

"We will implement Zero ODOL with the stages that we will formulate. How can Zero ODOL be implemented well, but we can manage the situation well without any turmoil," he said.