Ganjar Kasih Tips To The Legislative Council Of The House Of Representatives So That The National Legislation Program For Priority Bills Can Be Easy For The Public

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo encourages the socialization of the National Legislation Program (Prolegnas) to be more massive and maximize all media. Content from Prolegnas must also be shown more clearly.

This was conveyed by Ganjar after receiving the Working Visit of the Legislative Body of the DPR RI in the context of the Socialization of the Priority Bill Prolegnas in 2023, at the Gradhika Bhakti Praja Building, Monday, January 16.

Also present were the group members of the Indonesian House of Representatives Baleg, Zainudin Maliki and Bukhori Yusuf from F-PKS, Lulu Nur Hamidah from the F-PKB, Endang Maria Astuti from F-Golkar and others.

There were also representatives of community groups. Starting from academics, fields of health, religious leaders to groups representing women and children.

"My first proposal is how much prolegnas continues and then the content. So each bill is actually what is there, so that people can discuss and can provide important notes," said Ganjar.

The former member of the DPR RI added that this kind of activity was not enough to be held. According to him, there must be a follow-up, especially in accordance with the priority bills.

"Whether this area is divided among all attendees from community groups, religious leaders, academics, all read so that they can provide good feedback," he said.

On the other hand, Ganjar encouraged the Legislative Council of the Republic of Indonesia to maximize multi information platforms to socialize. Of course with complete content and not just an overview. Thus, everyone will be able to understand this.

The governor of Central Java for two terms said that if the socialization was carried out properly, the public could understand it more comprehensively. Public awareness will also be higher so that there is no gray understanding of the bill in the Prolegnas.

"So people will depart from suspicion, it's dangerous. (It needs to be broken down again?) Just make pointers, what do you want to regulate every bill, it's in the script, academia usually exists," he said.

Chairman of the group of members of the Indonesian House of Representatives Baleg Zainudin Maliki expressed his appreciation to Ganjar Pranowo. He hopes that Ganjar will become one of the endorser of the Priority Bill Prolegnas in 2023.

"We thank you, because Pak Ganjar can accept us directly and in the future the socialization will go well," said Zainudin in his remarks.

For information, as many as 39 Draft Laws (RUU) are included in the Priority National Legislation Program (Prolegnas) for 2023. The approval was carried out after listening to the explanation of the Legislation Body (Baleg) of the DPR RI.

Prolegnas Priority 2023 totals 39 bills, consisting of 24 bills proposed by the DPR RI, 12 bills proposed by the government, and three bills proposed by the DPD RI. One of those included in the Prolegnas is the Health Bill and the PRT Protection Bill.