Witness Calls The Police Tracing Alleged Money Laundering By Inspector General Napoleon

JAKARTA - The National Police Criminal Investigation Unit is investigating the criminal act of money laundering (TPPU) in the alleged bribery case for the removal of red notice for Joko Tjandra, who ensnared the former Head of International Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte.

This was revealed from the testimony of witness Kombes Totok Suharyanto. He became a witness in the trial of the alleged bribery case for removing red notice related to Joko Tjandra.

The investigation of TPPU was revealed when one of Inspector General Napoleon's attorneys asked a witness about tracing transactions conducted by his client during the investigation.

"The witness conducted an investigation into the transaction, did the witness also carry out the PPATK investigation on Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte?" said Napoleon's lawyer during a trial at the Corruption Court, Central Jakarta, Monday, December 28.

Kombes Totok also answered that the results of the investigation regarding this matter could not be disclosed. The reasons are all confidential.

"I think it is under investigation because the LHA (Analysis Result Report) is confidential in nature, Your Excellency, I will not answer it," said Totok.

Inspector General Napoleon's lawyer then asked Kombes Totok to convey it. The reason was that the trial of this case was conducted openly. Napoleon's attorney reiterated the question of whether investigators traced the funds that had entered Inspector General Napoleon's account.

"I am asking about the investigation process, not what will come. This is the defendant Napoleon Bonaparte, was it when the witness conducted an investigation into the case of Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte, did you do a search on account numbers or transactions in his name ?," he explained.

Kombes Totok responded to Napoleon's lawyer. He said the points questioned by Inspector General Napoleon's lawyer were being investigated by investigators to date.

"Look, Mr. Lawyer, what we were investigating at that time was related to - apologize, Your Honor, Your Honor - it's Article 5, Article 11, Article 12, and Article 13. With regard to what you asked, the TPPU is being traced. by the next investigator. Because it is related to substance, different articles. Please allow Your Honor, "said Totok.

In this case, Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte allegedly accepted bribes of 200 thousand Singapore dollars and 70 thousand United States (US) or the equivalent of Rp. 6 billion from Joko Tjandra through businessman Tommy Sumardi.

Napoleon was charged with committing a crime as regulated in Article 5 Paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 5 Paragraph (1) letter a or b, or Article 11 or Article 12 letter a or b of the Law on the Eradication of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1) to -1 KUHP.