Clean Up Garbage on New Year's Eve 2023, Jakarta Environment Agency Sends 3,180 Cleaning Workers

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Province Environment Agency has cleaned up leftover New Year's Eve trash that was scattered in several crowded points in five areas of Jakarta.

The number of cleaning officers deployed reached 3,180 personnel.

"Our target is that at 05.00 WIB all of Jakarta will be clean again. On January 1, 2023, Jakarta will be clean", said the Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Environmental Office, Asep Kuswanto, Sunday, January 1.

Asep appealed to officers to anticipate rain more during the waste-handling process. The number of janitors deployed reached 3,180 personnel.

"With a rainy weather situation like this, we must be more careful in our duties. The work will be more difficult because garbage sticks to the road", he said.

Later, the garbage cleaned from several crowded points in Jakarta will be disposed of at the Bantar Gebang Integrated Waste Management Site (TPST), Bekasi.