235 Large Enterprises and 421 MSMEs Record Collaboration of IDR 4.46 Trillion, Ministry of Investment Releases OSS Partnership Features

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Investment/Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) launched a partnership feature in the Online Single Submission (OSS) system to make it easier for large businesses to partner with micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the regions.

Deputy for Investment Climate Development at the Ministry of Investment, Yuliot explained, this feature can be accessed via the http://kemitraan.oss.go.id subdomain.

"To make it easier for large businesses, PMDN (domestic investment) and PMA (foreign investment) to choose MSMEs in the regions, the service features of the OSS system have been refined which allows large business actors to see potential MSME partners in the regions and vice versa, MSMEs can see partnership business opportunities in the OSS system", he said at the Investment Partnership Forum: Business Actors Partnership for Inclusive and Sustainable Investment quoted by Antara, Wednesday, December 7.

Yuliot explained that his party had socialized partnership services on the OSS system to the community. Likewise, system security reliability has been carried out by the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN).

The partnership service was launched by the Ministry of Investment referring to the Regulation of the Minister of Investment/Head of BKPM Number 1 of 2022.

Investment partnerships are also a mandate in Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation, Government Regulation Number 7 of 2021 concerning Facilitation, Protection, and Empowerment of Cooperatives and Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises, and Presidential Regulation Number 10 of 2021 concerning Investment Business Sector Capital that has been amended by Presidential Regulation Number 49 of 2021.

"From February to December 5, 2022, a commitment to a cooperation agreement has been obtained between large PMDN businesses and MSMEs in the regions as many as 235 large businesses and 421 MSMEs in the regions with a work value of approximately IDR 4.46 trillion", said Yuliot.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Investment/Head of BKPM, Bahlil Lahadalia, in his virtual remarks explained that Indonesia's good economic growth momentum cannot be separated from the role of entrepreneurs. However, Bahlil reminded us that even distribution of growth must occur.

"I know very well the contribution of ladies and gentlemen of big businessmen who have advanced the economy in the region well. But it would be better for us to do this collaboration. What is the meaning of good economic growth but which is owned or controlled by a few people", he said.

Bahlil encourages collaboration between large entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs and MSMEs in the regions.

"I hope that all investments now are indiscriminate whether they come from any country, we have to make them collaborate. Giving them natural resources is part of our obligation, but they have to share it to empower local people so that local people become masters in their own country", he said.

On the other hand, Bahlil understands that not all MSMEs can be given the same space as professional MSMEs. He also asked the Investment and One-Stop Services Agency (DPMPTSP) to provide fair space.

“I launched the partnership feature in the OSS system. Hopefully, it is useful and DPMPTSP can be fair to provide space for MSME players in the regions", added Bahlil.

The Ministry of Investment noted that since its launch on August 4 2021 to December 5  2022, risk-based OSS has issued 2,938,000 Business Identification Numbers (NIB).

Out of a total of nearly 3 million NIB, 2.28 million or 94.7 percent are micro business NIB, 113,000 small business NIB (3.8 percent), 16,000 medium business NIB (0.6 percent), and 25,000 large business NIB (0.9 percent).

The data shows that MSMEs get very dominant business legality or reach 99.1 percent.

Before the partnership feature was launched, partnership facilitation between PMDN and PMA with MSMEs in the regions was done manually with MSME data ready to partner recommended by regions, business associations, and institutional ministries.