Threat Message 'This Is A Small Celebration' Behind The Molotov Bomb Terror To The Police Post In Makassar

MAKASSAR - The Molotov bomb terror at police stations in Makassar and Gowa, South Sulawesi is still being investigated. There was an article containing threats that questioned the police's performance.

"This is just a small celebration for each of your brutality that remains in the memory," read the threat on a piece of paper found in the area of the fly over police post at Jl AP Pettarani, Makassar.

Head of Public Relations of the South Sulawesi Regional Police, Kombes Ibrahim Tompo, confirmed that there was a piece of paper bearing a threat. The perpetrator is now under investigation.

"The incident (at the Makassar police post) is estimated to be around 04.30 WITA. Burn marks on banner and front wall of post. We are still investigating the perpetrators and their motives, ”said Kombes Ibrahim, confirmed by VOI, Sunday, December 13.

Meanwhile in Gowa, the perpetrator threw Molotov at around 07.00 WITA. The location of the Molotov throwing was at the Lantas Post, the city limit of the Gowa Police. The throwing of Molotov was recorded by surveillance cameras, aka CCTV.

There was a black spot on the wall and a banner at a traffic post in Makassar that had been thrown by Molotov. The police are now tightening security precautions at the police station.