New Student Admissions Through Broker At Unila Will Be Revealed By KPK

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has promised to dismantle allegations of new student brokers at the University of Lampung (Unila).

This step was taken after the role of the private sector, Andi Desfiandi, helped two people be admitted to the medical faculty based on the indictment read at the Corruption Court at the Tanjungkarang District Court, Lampung.

"Yes, of course, we will develop it later in the trial process. We hope that legal facts will be found so that the KPK can follow up," said KPK spokesman Ali Fikri to reporters, Thursday, November 10.

However, the KPK is currently focusing on proving the alleged bribery that Andi gave to the Chancellor of Unila Karomani. Ali asked anyone who will be presented at the trial to cooperate.

"We remind the witnesses who were summoned to explain honestly before the panel of judges so that the truth appears in the courtroom," he said.

Witnesses who lie can be subject to legal sanctions. Ali reminded to be honest when giving information.

"Witnesses who are dishonest are subject to criminal penalties, both under the Corruption Act and the Criminal Code," said Ali.

As previously reported, Andi Desfiandi underwent his first trial in the alleged bribery case in the admission of new students at Unila on Wednesday, November 9. He was accused of bribing the Chancellor of Unila Karomani.

"Those who did or participated did, gave or promised something, namely giving money in the amount of IDR 250 million to a civil servant or state administrator, namely Karomani," said the KPK Public Prosecutor when reading the indictment at trial.

Prosecutors said that the money was given so that Karomani, as the rector, would accept two students as students through an independent route. "Including Zalfa Aditia Putra and Zaki Algifari as new students for the 2022 academic year at the Faculty of Medicine," stated the indictment.

Zalda is the daughter of Lies Yulianti. Meanwhile, Zaki is a student entrusted by Ary Meizari Alfian. Both were declared accepted as students on July 18, 2022.