Losing To Bobby In The Medan Pilkada Quick Count, Akhyar: Many Impossible Hand Played

MEDAN - Medan mayor candidate Akhyar Nasution said the vote acquisition from the internal team showed Akhyar-Salman Alfarisi got 48 percent in the Medan Pilkada. Akhyar, who is also the Acting Mayor of Medan, expressed his gratitude to the supporting political parties and volunteers.

"Thank you for the struggle of the supporting political parties and all heroic volunteers. Our struggle ends at 48 percent. This is an extraordinary struggle, we are struggling amidst limitations," said Akhyar in a press conference at the Akhyar-Salman Victory House, Thursday, December 10.

Akhyar said that the acquisition of 48 percent of the votes was purely from the conscience of the people. He emphasized that there were no money politics efforts related to vote acquisition in the Medan Regional Election.

"We are struggling in the midst of logistical constraints. We apologize to political parties and volunteers if we cannot provide logistics until finally the volunteers prepare the logistics themselves," he explained.

But Akhyar mentioned the interference of certain parties in the Medan Pilkada. Unfortunately Akhyar did not want to talk about the party he said was playing in the Medan Pilkada.

"We claim there are many impossible hands that will come into play, but we cannot state it directly. But we can feel it is very influential in playing in the Medan Pilkada, "said Akhyar.