Ministry Of Energy And Mineral Resources Installs 350 PJU-TS Units In South Sulawesi

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) through the Directorate General of EBTKE has added 350 units of Solar Street Lighting (PJU-TS) spread across South Sulawesi Province.

Secretary of the Directorate General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE), Sahid Junaidi said the government's commitment in carrying out various programs of activities that benefit the community, one of which is through the installation of Public-Solar Street Lighting (PJU-TS) which is supported by Commission VII of DPR RI and Local Government.

"Installation of PJU-TS is a commitment from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, which allocates Wise Budgeting, where the use of the APBN must be directly beneficial to the community," said Sahid in an official statement, Wednesday, November 9.

Sahid said that the use of Solar Street Lighting lamps also includes real support for the issue of energy transition which is a concern in the 2022 G20 Presidency.

"As we know on the 15th and 16th of this month, Indonesia as the host of the G20 Presidency, has a big intention to be in Bali, and one of the main issues is related to the transition to sustainable energy, and today we have realized this. PJU TS is clear evidence that we have made an energy transition, and this activity will continue in the future," explained Sahid.

Moreover, he continued, in line with the implementation of the policy of adjusting electricity rates in the third quarter of 2022 for households with 3,500 VA or more power and Government groups, including the Public Street Lighting (P3) tariff group.

"Installation of solar power PJU is very beneficial for local governments to save on APBD expenditures but can still run community services, especially in street lighting, so that efficiency can be diverted to other useful programs," added Sahid.

On the same occasion, Member of Commission VII DPR RI Ridwan Andi Wittiri said he was happy with the opinion of the community about the benefits of installing PJU-TS in their area.

"Actually, what friends (beneficiaries) said, that this lamp is very useful, is true," said Ridwan.

He left a message to the people who were present at the inauguration to take care of the infrastructure already installed in their area.

As many as 350 PJU-TS units that were inaugurated are the realization of the 2021 Fiscal Year program and are spread across five districts and one city in South Sulawesi Province.

The details are 60 units for Bantaeng Regency, 60 units for Jeneponto Regency, 60 units for Takalar Regency, 60 units for Gowa Regency, 50 units for Makassar City, and 60 units for Selayar Regency.

The PJU-TS installation program that has been implemented by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources since 2015 has succeeded in installing 90,687 PJU-TS points throughout Indonesia.

If in total, this amount is equivalent to lighting a road along 4,534 km. In 2021, 22,000 PJU-TS units have been built in 34 provinces, equivalent to lighting up 1,100 km of roads.

Lighting using PJU-TS has the advantage that it is stand alone in that it uses sunlight as a source of electrical energy, so this PJU-TS lamp is very suitable for use for roads in areas that have not been reached by PLN electricity as well as other areas that are experiencing an electrical energy crisis, especially in remote areas.

The PJU-TS provided in this program has a maintenance guarantee for 1 (one) year plus a system warranty for 2 (two) years from the end of the maintenance guarantee, so a total of 3 (three) years of repair warranty is borne by the provider.

If there is damage, you can report it to the service center, the contact number is listed on the QR Code on the PJU-TS lamp post and can also be through the complaint service of the Directorate General of EBTKE.

"One year maintenance guarantee, plus two years from the contractor. If there is a problem, just look at the PJU-TS pole, there is a QR code or you can contact our team (DG EBTKE) as long as it is still within three years," concluded Sahid.

As additional information, the components of 1 set of PJU-TS series consist of one solar module, 300 Wp, one 40 W/24 V LED lamp, one 25.6V 40Ah+BMS Li-FePO4 battery and a battery box, one Solar Charge Controller, poles, foundations, cables and accessories for PJU-TS. The warranty period per component is 20 years for solar modules, 5 years for LED lights, 3 years for batteries, 3 years for Solar Charge Controller (SCC), and a 3 year system warranty.