Mrs. Sri Mulyani Must Be Happy, Upstream Oil and Gas Asset Management Generates IDR 174 Billion PNBP

JAKARTA - The Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN) of the Ministry of Finance informed that the government has succeeded in collecting non-tax state revenues (PNBP) of IDR 174.8 billion from the management of state property (BMN) in the upstream oil and gas sector.

Director of State Asset Management and Information Systems DJKN, Purnama T. Sianturi, said the value was obtained based on calculations until the third quarter of 2022.

"The records until last September even almost matched the books throughout 2021 which amounted to IDR 188.1 billion and even 2020 which amounted to IDR 188.2 billion", she said when meeting reporters via online channels on Friday, October 28.

According to Purnama, the management of upstream oil and gas BMN is regulated through PMK number 140 of 2020 which aims to optimize asset management and accommodate business developments in the upstream oil and gas industry in Indonesia.

"The upstream oil and gas BMN consists of land, capital assets, inventory assets, inventory materials, production waste, and operational waste", she said.

Purnama added that one form of management of upstream oil and gas BMN is utilization in the form of leases and loans, which are carried out on assets in the form of land and capital assets.

He also mentioned that basically, the function of upstream oil and gas assets/BMN is to be used in the implementation of upstream oil and gas business activities.

However, if the use is not optimal, other parties can use it so that it can generate Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP).

"In addition to generating PNBP, the use of BMN is also intended to prevent the use of BMN by other parties who are not authorized", he said.

Furthermore, Sri Mulyani's subordinates also conveyed that other parties who are interested in utilizing upstream oil and gas BMN in the form of land and capital assets can submit a written application to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (KESDM) for approval from the Ministry of Finance.

For information, the total value of upstream oil and gas BMN in the 2021 LKPP balance sheet is IDR 577.71 trillion.

There are five Cooperation Contract Contractors (KKKS) with the largest BMN value, namely PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam with a BMN value of IDR 62 trillion, and PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan of IDR 59.64 trillion.

Then, Mobil Cepu Ltd. In the amount of IDR 47.74 trillion, Conoco Phillips Ind. Inc. amounting to IDR 42.13 trillion and the last one was PT Pertamina EP amounting to IDR 41.09 trillion.