Steal Church's Keyboard, Students in Dairi North Sumatra Arrested by Police

MEDAN - The student with the initials AD (22) was arrested by the police on the report of Pastor Heller Pasaribu. AD stole the church's keyboard.

Dairi Police Chief, AKBP Wahyudi Rahman, through Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, AKP Rismato J Purba, said the theft was carried out by the perpetrators on Friday, September 30 at the GMII Anugerah Church, Pahlawan Street, Batang Beruh Village, Sidikalang District.

AKP Rismanto explained that the arrest of the perpetrators began with Heller Pasaribu's report on October 1. He reported the loss of the church's Yamaha PSR SX 600 keyboard instrument.

"The church's keyboard musical instrument was found missing in the morning. After learning about the incident, it was immediately reported to the Dairi Police", said AKP Rismanto, Wednesday, October 26.

Upon receiving the report, the police immediately launched an investigation. From the results of the investigation, it was known that the musical instrument was in the hands of Donny Limbong.

"Previously, witness Donny Limbong wanted to sell the musical instrument through social media. On October 23, officers came to witness Donny Limbong in the Kerajaan District, Pakpak Bharat Regency", he explained.

To the police, Donny admitted that he bought the musical instrument from the Army with Faisal Simbolon and Putu Ade Wijaya.

"To convince Donny, AD explained that the keyboard belonged to his parents who needed money", he said.

Next, the police went to Faisal Simbolon and Putu Ade Wijaya. Both of them admitted to the police that they sold the musical instrument at the orders of the AD actors.

"Witnesses Faisal Simbolon and Putu Ade Wijaya did not know if the keyboard was the result of a crime. Because the two witnesses were only asked to help find a keyboard buyer", he said.

The police immediately hunted AD. It didn't take long for AD to be arrested at his house in Siempat Nempu Hulu District, Dairi Regency.

"When interrogated by officers, the perpetrator admitted to stealing the keyboard from the GMII Anugerah Sidikalang Church", he said.

AKP Rismanto said the theft of the keyboard was carried out by the perpetrators by forcibly opening and damaging the side window of the church.

"Then the perpetrator climbed up the church window and went inside and took the keyboard. After that, the perpetrator came out of the church and took the keyboard belonging to the GMII Anugerah Church", he said.

The stolen musical instrument was then sold by the perpetrator to witness Donny Limbong for IDR 4 million.

Currently, the perpetrator and the evidence of the keyboard belonging to the GMII Anugerah Church are secured at the Dairi Police Headquarters for further investigation.