KOSME GROUP Ready to Support Indonesian Exports at Trade Expo Indonesia

JAKARTA - KOSME Group as a manufacturing company for cosmetics, herbal medicinal products, and packaging continue to display its latest innovations. The spirit to continue to work and contribute the best for the homeland to the world stage was displayed at the KOSME Group booth through several business units and several brands.

In the Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) event which was held 19-23 at ICE-BSD, KOSME Group was ready to synergize with the Ministry of Trade through the Directorate General of National Export Development to bring innovative local brands to go international more broadly.

“We believe and hope that products from Indonesia, one of which is from the KOSME Group, will not only be successful in Indonesia but will also have the opportunity to be known to the world through the TEI event. Where from our previous visits to several countries, products from the KOSME Group have attracted domestic and foreign markets", said Titis Indah Wahyu, President Director of KOSME Group in her statement, quoted on Friday, October 21.

KOSME Group's innovation at the Trade Expo Indonesia is in line with the mission of the trade fair event participated by entrepreneurs from all over the world, namely Strengthening Global Trade for Stronger Recovery.

Titis Indah Wahyu said that now is the right opportunity for the creative industry in this case the KOSME Group to strengthen domestic and foreign markets after the COVID-19 storm, where the government has provided the right platform to bring together national entrepreneurs with buyers from abroad.

“KOSME Group is ready to synergize with the government, in this case, the Ministry of Trade, to showcase the innovations of the nation's children with their best products. This condition certainly contributes positively to the country's economy through an increase in the export balance", added Titis Indah Wahyu.

Through this exhibition, KOSME Group has prepared brands from its various business units, including Kosmetika Global Indonesia (maklon cosmetics) which is ready to give birth to new businessmen in the cosmetic world. Considering that Indonesia is increasingly being looked at as one of the world's cosmetic producers.

At TEI, KOSME Group combines the best natural ingredients from Indonesia with the latest technology in some of its products. Kosme Herb comes with the concept of "healthy from traditional herbs for modern times".

Some of the products produced include Nutridrink, HappyMe, VeMate, Pro Herbaloss, and Skinboost. Titis said Kosmeherb as one of the business lines of the KOSME Group has the advantage of serving the best natural ingredients in the world of beauty and health.

KOSME Group also displays retail products that are ready to hit the domestic and foreign markets with the head-to-toe concept. Presenting Skintheory, which has various quality ingredients, one of which is Salmon DNA which is useful for regenerating, and improving skin texture as well as fighting age.

A series of treatments for masculine men who look elegant are also showcased through the MEN'S XPERIENCE brand, a series of treatments for men from head to toe.

KOSME Group continues to deliver the best innovations for hair care with HAIRLAB. Has special content in each of its products, and claims to be the brand with the first Powerbond content in Indonesia. This content is an active ingredient that has been clinically tested in the United States and can maintain the natural moisture of the hair.

The content of active ingredients coats damaged, dry to branched hair strands.

The presence of the KOSME Group at the Trade Expo Indonesia successfully received a warm welcome from potential buyers from domestic and foreign entrepreneurs who visited the Kosme Group booth, one of which was a group from KBR Qatar and the Indonesian Trade Promotion Center from Dubai.

“Entrepreneurs from Qatar are very interested and open to cosmetic products and health products made from natural ingredients. We are certainly enthusiastic to invite them to see several booths, one of which is KOSME Group to explore the business opportunities that exist between the two countries", said Indonesian Ambassador to Qatar, Ridwan Hassan, during a visit to the Kosme Group booth at the ITE Jakarta event.

His party is ready to bridge entrepreneurs from Indonesia, one of which is Kosme Group to work on the Qatar, Dubai, and Middle East markets more broadly, considering the potential for halal products in this country is quite open. Moreover, products from Indonesia have long received a warm welcome in the petro-dollar country.