Drunk Indonesian Citizen Hits Stewardess, Turkish Airlines Plane Emergency Landing in Kualanamu

JAKARTA - Turkish Airlines TK 56 with the Turkey-Jakarta route had to make an emergency landing at Kualanamu Airport, North Sumatra, on Tuesday, October 11. The reason is that a passenger acted by hitting the flight attendant.

"Information from Turkish Airlines officers at Soetta Airport that the delay occurred due to an Indonesian passenger on the Turkish Airlines plane who was drunk, then hit one of the Turkish Airlines flight attendants while the plane was still in the air", said Head of Public Relations of Metro Jaya Police, Commissioner E. Zulpan, in his statement, Wednesday, October 12.

Based on the reports received, the Indonesian citizen is named John Jaiz Boudewijn. The beating was called because he did not accept being reprimanded to be orderly.

In fact, as a result of his behavior, the other passengers were emotional. Thus, John Jaiz Boudewijn was beaten.

"Provoking the anger of other passengers to beat Indonesian passengers who were drunk until they were injured", he said.

Finally, the plane landed at Kualanamu Airport. Likewise, with Jhon, he was demoted so that the situation was conducive.

The plane then continued its flight to Soetta Airport. Due to John's behavior, the flight schedule was disrupted.

Because, in the initial schedule, the plane was supposed to land at 18:05 WIB. However, it was delayed by an hour to 19.05 WIB.

"The plane continued its journey to Jakarta and still landed at Soekarno Hatta Airport, but based on the manifest data, one passenger was reduced", said Commissioner Zulpan.