5 Parents' Behavior Exemplary Children To Get The Best Hass

YOGYAKARTA Success needs to be ready to open up and gain opportunities in the future. According to Kate Roberts, Ph.D., psychologist consultant for schools and professor of psychiatry at Brown University, children's success requires strong efforts. Positive things about the behavior of parents are influence in determining the success of their children.

When children are ready to experience business and good results, they have developed discipline, achievement, and mastery of certain fields. Therefore, the behavior of parents is an example for their children related to their efforts so that children are 'guided' to get good results. How is the behavior of parents who imitate their children? Here's the list.

Believe and set an example for children that when involved in a new activity, it makes a person more confident. That way one's chances of success get bigger.

People who try new things are more likely to face opportunities that might fit in with the skills developed. Parents can be role models when'step up' from the comfort zone and start new things. It can be from simple things, such as cooking a new food menu, pursuing a new hobby, to routine new exercise. This shows children that their parents dare to take risks before they know the results to achieve a goal.

Launching Psychology Today, Sunday, October 2, the cognitive flexibility model described through open-minded can open up the possibility of achieving goals. If someone is too focused on doing something, it will lose opportunities that can lead to luck. That is, try to relax and think openly to widen your chances more.

Being flexible is important because someone needs input from those who can provide suggestions. This is a way to reach opportunities beyond what you have. Starting from expanding new insights, experiences, and opportunities.

As is well known that something won't work if you don't try. Failure doesn't put a person in a bad position, unless you never try one that won't open up opportunities. When you fail, you have additional experience knowing that something is not going to work for you. This will allow you to focus more on what will work.

As parents, the five behaviors for the example of the children above, can be exemplified in everyday life. After children think independently, parents can discuss the behavior above in the context they are pursuing.