Inner Circle Online Dating App Launches Five New Features, There's Anti-ghosting Feature

JAKARTA - Inner Circle, an online dating application that is already 10 years old, announced five new features that will come to its platform.

Over the course of its journey, Inner Circle has gone from being a highly taboo online dating to one of the most common ways to meet a partner.

But despite the number of successful dates, marriages, and even babies it can count, the company says it's also been a tough journey.

“Today, online dating is giving dating people more hassle than it's worth. We stopped that," said Masha Kodden, CEO of Inner Circle on her blog.

Kodden states that helping people date is better, and suites was the company's mission from the start.

The five new features provided are, Pinned Conversations, Decision prompts, Anti-ghosting reminders, End conversation options, and Closure messages.

Pinned Conversations

This feature allows users to pin up to 5 conversations in the app. Its function is to help you focus on just a few chats at once.

Decision prompts

With the Decision Prompts feature, you are asked to say yes or no to chat requests in the app. This allows you to say no to opening messages, and indicates the user is not looking for a new connection for a certain time.

Anti-ghosting reminders

With this feature, Inner Circle will notify you if there is a message they haven't replied to within 48 hours. On the other hand, this feature can help alert you who might not have seen the message and give you a second chance to stay connected.

End conversation options

It can be difficult to let a stranger know you're not interested in person, let alone through an app.

With this new feature, users can tell the person they don't like you by swiping up on a message to select "End Conversation."

Then the app will ask the user to choose the reason why they decided to end the conversation.

Closure messages

This Clousure Messages feature will allow you to get the closure you deserve when someone decides to end a chat with you.

When your partner chooses to end the chat, you will be notified of the reason the chat was closed.

“Singles have a right to expect better quality from the apps they use, and the people they talk to. So for anyone fed up with ghosting, poor chatter and low effort, this is for you,” says Kodden.