Mentioned As A Popular Party For Young Voters, Golkar Is Just Looking For A Leader Who Doesn't Sell Out Promises Here And There

JAKARTA - The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) survey stated that the Golkar Party is the most popular party among young voters. In the survey, Golkar's popularity level is 94 percent with a preference level of 75.9 percent.

Political observer Ujang Komarudin assessed that this achievement shows that the party bearing the banyan tree symbol has been building closeness with young voters for a long time. Golkar General Chair Airlangga Hartarto, he said, also involved a lot of young people, even many of his board members from the millennial circle.

"They (Golkar) have a planned program to be able to approach millennials and generation Z. It has been a long time and the program has been running, there are already millennial DPR members. It becomes ammunition to be a role model and approach millennials," said Ujang, Tuesday, September 27.

Ujang said the survey results did not stand alone. The reason is, there is the effort and hard work of all Golkar administrators and members to approach young people.

"Including Coordinating Minister Airlangga, the general chairman, taking care of pre-employment cards, millennials need a lot of them. Maybe that's also the impact, and the preferences among millennial children," he added.

Because of that, continued Ujang, now it's just a matter of how Golkar realizes the aspirations of young voters for their hopeful leader candidates. Prospective leaders who not only sell promises but also take action.

"I see that the character of young voters requires leaders who are young, intelligent and can give them hope, including giving hope such as cheap education costs, scholarships, jobs, those are issues that are important to them," explained Ujang.

"It's good when they know what they want and identify, not just promises but the execution of policies that are pro-young voters," he added.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Golkar Party DPP Dave Akbarshah Fikarno Laksono revealed that the survey results illustrate the sensitivity of his party to the younger generation.

"This shows that Golkar is very sensitive to the needs and views of the minds of the younger generation of Indonesia," said the politician who is familiarly called Dave Laksono.

According to him, the popularity and preference of the younger generation for the Golkar Party must be accompanied by party policies that are able to answer the needs and dismiss the concerns of the younger generation.

Dave assessed that this spirit was also carried by Airlangga Hartarto, who also served as the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs. The birth of the pre-employment card program, said Dave, is also the fruit of that spirit.

"Mr. Airlangga has always answered the needs of the younger generation, whether it's the Pre-Employment Card, the Job Creation Law, which is the (answer) to the concerns of the younger generation about the future," he concluded.