The Judicial Commission Continues To Monitor The Paniai Case Trial Process At The Makassar District Court

JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the Judicial Commission (KY) Miko Susanto Ginting said this institution will continue to monitor every trial process for the alleged gross human rights violation case of the Paniai incident which was held at the Makassar District Court, South Sulawesi."Today the KY team is monitoring the trial," said Miko in Jakarta, Antara, Wednesday, September 21.Miko said KY's monitoring of the Paniai case had been decided long ago. In fact, before the civilian community coalition asked KY to carry out surveillance, the agency had taken the initiative to form a special team to monitor the proceedings of the trial.The team formed involved the Judicial Commission Office of South Sulawesi Province. Later, every trial session, the team will work to monitor the trial.It should be, said Miko, commissioners or KY members are expected to always be present and monitor directly every trial process, especially the parts that are considered crucial. However, it will adjust conditions.Especially for the Paniai case, KY pays great attention. The first reason, the Paniai incident that occurred in December 2014 was a case of gross human rights violations because it was considered not an ordinary case. KY formed a team by directly involving the commissioner to the Makassar District Court."Secondly, the goal is to maintain the independence of judges," he said.Therefore, the team formed by KY will function to oversee the trial process as well as maintain the muruah or the honor of the judge. Specifically for supervision, it is aimed at preventing violations of the code of ethics.Meanwhile, in terms of maintaining the honor of judges more on the aspect so that no judges are intervened, are intimidated by the lure, and so on that could damage the independence of a judge. "This independence of judges is prerequisite for justice," he said.