Two Residents Get Gunshot Wounds in Tamansari, Police Are Still Conducting Investigations

JAKARTA - Two residents were targeted by shootings in the vicinity of Mangga Dua, Pinangsia Village, Tamansari District, West Jakarta. As a result, both residents suffered gunshot wounds to the abdomen and legs.

Currently, the shooting case is still under investigation by the Tamansari Police. The Head of the Tamansari Police, AKBP Rohman Yonky, said that from the results of the temporary investigation, the incident had a series of events from a few days earlier.

"We are conducting an investigation", said AKBP Rohman when confirmed, Tuesday, September 20.

He said the shooting was suspected to be a dispute between residents.

"According to witnesses and victims, on the previous Wednesday, there was a commotion like that, Mr. Reluctant to be around there. He said there had been a commotion", he said.

Until now, the case is still under investigation by the Tamansari Police to reveal the motive for the incident.