Here Are 5 Types of Pet Fish for Beginners That Easy To Maintain

YOGYAKARTA – Having a hobby is beneficial for mental health, according to a number of studies in the field of psychology. If you're looking to start a new hobby and love the beautiful colors of fish, here's a list of pet fish for beginners. Before choosing it, prepare the necessities of life, such as an aquarium, filter or water purifier, aerator, aquarium lights, and other necessities.

It is important to note, maintaining an aquarium requires care. But for the following types of fish that are easy to care for, they are suitable for beginners.

1. Goldfish

There are many varieties of this fish species with the scientific name Carassius auratus. For beginners, choose the long-bodied goldfish, including comet, sarasa, and shubunkin varieties. Comet goldfish, many variations in color. Starting from orange, gold, gray, bluish, brown, yellow, white, and black. Goldfish chicks, initially very small, can grow to reach 14 inches. While the varieties of carp sarasa and shubunkin, the maximum size is 8-10 inches.

Illustration of a pet fish for beginners (Freepik/Victor217)

2. Betta fish

Reputation as a fish that is easy to maintain, making betta fish are many choices for beginners. Bettas can live a long time, as long as they are happy, their needs are met, and the aquarium is adequate.

As a tropical fish, betta fish should be at a temperature of 26-28 degrees Celsius. The larger the volume of water, the easier it is for you to regulate the temperature of the water. When keeping betta fish, use a water filter that is appropriate for the size of the aquarium. You can include beautiful decorations in the living space. But avoid sharp decorations as they can injure the fins.

You need to know, fellow male betta often fight. So separate the male or female betta. About the color, you can choose according to taste. Starting from bright colors like red, green, purple, and blue.

3. Neon tetras

The beautiful bright blue color streaks so beautifully in the aquarium if you keep this fish. Neon tetras or Paracheirodon innesi are fish that like to flock. Usually, they swim to and fro around the aquarium in groups. The size is small, only one and a half inches or about four centimeters maximum. Although there are many variations in color, it is always a turquoise stripe that runs between the eyes and the fins of neon tetras.

4. Molly fish

Molly fish can breed quickly. Because even if you only keep one or two in an aquarium, you have a 50 percent chance of getting pregnant. Fertilization occurs internally, so it is not visible that they are storing many eggs in their stomachs. These fish are very easy to care for and come in a wide variety of colors. The most widely available are black and red molly fish.

5. Zebrafish

The motif is as the name suggests, horizontal black and white stripes like zebras along their bodies. Citing The Spruce Pets, Wednesday, September 14, zebrafish are tropical fish that don't need warm water temperatures. They can live at a temperature of 21 degrees Celsius.

Those are the five pet fish for beginners and are relatively easy to care for. Interested in trying this new hobby?