Ahead Of Final G20 Culture Minister Meeting, Jihandak Brimob And K-9 Magelang Police Sterilizing Location

MAGELANG - Ten members of the National Police from the Explosives Disposal Training (Jihandak) Brimob element and K-9 Magelang Police sterilized the location for the meeting of high-ranking officials and culture ministers of the G20 state participants (Culture Minister Meeting G20) at the Borobudur Temple Tourism Park Complex, Magelang, Tuesday afternoon, September 13.

The series of G20 meetings is scheduled to be completed on Wednesday morning, September 14, ending with Borobudur Sunrise and Borobudur Wellness activities.

The Head of Public Relation for the Central Java Police, Grand Commissioner Pol. M Iqbal Alqudusy, in a written statement, Tuesday, September 13, said that the entire series of activities since last Monday have been running smoothly and safely. So far there have been no significant problems

"To support the smooth running of the last activity tomorrow, the Jihandak team from Gegana Brimob and K9 Polres Magelang have carried out sterilization activities. The location of the event is thoroughly checked. We anticipate all potential disturbances early on," he said.

Although it is not over yet, the Head of Public Relations said there were a number of delegations who had left the location and flew back to their respective countries.

"Based on data at 14:40 WIB, there are nine ministerial delegations from the European Union, Australia, South Korea, China, France, United Kingdom, Mexico, Canada, and the UAE who have checked out the location. Plus a group of delegation staff from India and UNESCO," he detailed.

"All returned through Yogyakarta International Airport and received a VVIP level escort from the Ditlantas team of the Central Java Police," he added.

Furthermore, Grand Commissioner Iqbal added, the Central Java Police appreciated the enthusiasm of the people who made the G20 Culture Minister Meeting activity lively and safe.

"The police chief and his staff give appreciation to the people of Central Java, especially Magelang. The whole series of events ran smoothly, starting from the arrival of the participants until the closing today," he said.

He hopes that the safe and comfortable situation will also apply to other series of G20 events in Indonesia.

"The National Police will go all out to carry out security support. Hopefully everything goes smoothly until the peak event namely the G20 Summit which is scheduled to take place in Bali in mid-November 2022," he concluded.