Assertive! NTB Police Chief Fires Brigadier MN Defendant in Murder of First Brigadier Haerul Tamimi

JAKARTA - West Nusa Tenggara Police Chief, Inspector General Djoko Poerwanto, dismissed the Chief Police Brigadier (Bripka) MN or M. Nasir who is now a defendant in the premeditated murder case against Police Brigadier One (Briptu) HT or Haerul Tamimi.

The Head of Public Relations of the NTB Police, Commissioner Artanto, explained that the NTB Police Chief made a decision based on the recommendation of the National Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) at the NTB Police level.

"So, the NTB Police Chief decided to dismiss him by the ethical panel's decision which previously recommended PTDH (Disrespectful Dismissal) to MN (M. Nasir)", said Artanto, Tuesday, September 13, quoted from Antara.

The imposition of severe sanctions which means that MN is no longer serving in the police has also been carried out at the PTDH ceremony at the East Lombok Police, where MN previously carried out his duties as a state servant.

"His dismissal has been carried out at the East Lombok Police. So, his status is now an ordinary citizen, no longer a member of the Police", he said.

The dismissal of MN is a follow-up to the shooting case against Brigadier HT on October 25, 2021.

The incident took place at the gate of the victim's house in the Griya Pesona Madani housing area, East Lombok Regency.

From the autopsy results at the Bhayangkara Hospital in Mataram, the victim was declared dead from a bullet wound lodged in the right chest.

These results were also corroborated by findings at the TKP, namely two bullet casings which were thought to have come from the long-barreled V2 Sabhara Polri.

The shooting of the East Lombok Police Public Relations member was also revealed from the perpetrator's confession. The confession was conveyed by MN when returning the Police Sabhara V2 firearm to its place of duty.

The judges of the Selong District Court have also declared MN guilty of violating Article 340 of the Criminal Code concerning Premeditated Murder. In the first instance court decision, MN was sentenced to 17 years in prison, one year less than the prosecutor's demand.

MN's legal efforts continue to the level of appeal. In the decision on September 8, 2022, the panel of judges handed down the sentence by changing the sentence from 17 years to 13 years in prison.

Regarding the reduction in MN's sentence, Putu Oka Bhismaning, Head of the General Crimes Section of the East Lombok State Prosecutor who represents the public prosecutor, admitted that he could not comment because his party had not received the appeal decision file.

"We are waiting for the verdict file to arrive, then we can provide comments", said Oka.