The Thief Dara Arafah's Framework Turned Out To Be A Thug Of Kambuhan, First Forgiving Jennifer Totaled

JAKARTA - Two criminals who stole safes at the homes of Dara Arafah, Mursidah (52) and Sabun (38) have been arrested by Polda Metro Jaya. The couple planned to steal and used the stolen money to buy various goods.

As if flexible when stealing, it turns out that they are recurrence criminals and are not the first time they have committed theft. Sapun directed Mursinah to damage the room CCTV before bringing out the safe from Dara's house so that Dara had lost track of the perpetrator.

The perpetrator who was collaborating with his girlfriend turned out to have worked with the artist Jennifer totaling. While working with Jennifer totaling, the two suspects also committed the same crime. However, the parties who were harmed for their actions were forgiving, so the case was not continued into the legal process.

"These two suspects used to work as household members of one of the artists named Jennifer mediate," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Pol Endra Zulpan, during a press conference Monday, September 12.

"Indeed, he once had the same thing (stealing) at that time with a public figure as well. Only at that time was forgiven, the case did not proceed to the legal process," he added.

Meanwhile, the arrests of these two perpetrators made the stolen assets of Dara Arafah manage to be secured, although some have been used. The remaining money in the safe is IDR 672 million out of a total of IDR 789 million.

The two perpetrators had used some money to buy motorbikes, electronic goods, and given to other people. For this crime, the two perpetrators face a sentence of 7 years in prison.