Innovation From KPK, Palembang City Government Promotes Anti-Corruption To Pre-Kindergarten And Senior High School Students

PALEMBANG - The Palembang City Government, South Sumatra Province is preparing an anti-corruption socialization program from an early age by sending teams to schools.

"There are new innovations from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) that I will apply patterns such as socialization involving PAUD, Kindergarten, and students, SD-SMA equivalents," said Palembang Secretary Ratu Dewa when closing the 'KPK Bus Roadshow Exploring the Country to Build Anti-Corruption', as quoted by Antara, Sunday 11 September.

According to him, education about anti-corruption needs to be given to the younger generation of the nation's successors from an early age to form a high spirit of integrity.

He said that integrity is a trait or condition that shows complete unity so that it has the potential and ability that radiates authority and honesty.

Then it is hoped that the younger generation in this city can implement the values ​​of preventing corruption in their daily lives, and become anti-corruption ambassadors for their families and communities around their neighborhoods.

"I think the socialization program is very important to be carried out immediately to support city development and improve people's welfare," said Ratu Dewa.

Meanwhile, Deputy for Education and Community Roles at the KPK, Wawan Wardiana, on that occasion added that the three-day 'Roadshow Exploring the Country to Build Anti-Corruption' is expected to provide inspiration and benefits for preventing corruption.

"Hopefully this activity will trigger the people of Palembang City to implement the values ​​of preventing corruption in their daily life," said Wawan.

After being in Palembang City for three days 9-11 September 2022, the KPK Bus Exploring the Anti-Corruption State Exploration continued its journey to carry out activities in Prabumulih City and Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI) Regency of South Sumatra and several cities in Lampung.

KPK buses are scheduled to visit nine cities and regencies from September 9 to October 9 2022 starting from Palembang City; Prabumulih, Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI) of South Sumatra, Bandar Lampung, Metro, Kalianda, Serang Cilegon and South Tangerang.