Anies Shows off the Naming of Healthy Homes at the C40 Cities Finance Facility Forum

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan attended the joint launch of the new Climate Action Implementation (CAI) and sustainable infrastructure projects led by the C40 Cities Finance Facility (CFF).

In this forum, Anies exhibited the naming of a healthy home for Jakarta at the Regional Hospital in Jakarta to delegates from world cities who are members of the C40 forum.

In his remarks, Anies said that the scale of health services needed to be expanded. He explained one problem, namely the large amount of waste from hospital operations. Therefore, on the concept of a healthy house in a government-owned hospital, the DKI Provincial Government has begun to focus on solving this environmental problem.

"For this project in Jakarta, we will first focus on healthy homes. So the goal is to make the various facilities more resilient. This is one facility that works 24 hours, absorbs a lot of energy and emits a lot of waste," said Anies here. Fairmont Hotel, Tuesday, September 6.

Anies said that the energy and waste management of the Healthy House must be transformed to create a good environmental quality in a sustainable manner.

"We will carry out a transformation to make it more sustainable. The source of energy, then the waste management is good. This is a transformation that we are doing by utilizing best practices through the C40 network," he said.

Meanwhile, the ultimate goal of this project is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in 28 hospitals belonging to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government which are now labeled as healthy homes, through the use of renewable energy (Solar PV systems), and energy efficiency measures in healthy home buildings. .

The C40 Forum CFF will provide technical assistance for capacity building, studies, and facilitation of city governments during the project development stage.

This project is supported by UK government funding, the new CAI in Southeast Asia will offer technical assistance and capacity building support to three cities in the region, namely Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur and Quezon City.