West Urges To Stop Negotiations Efforts To Restore 2015 Nuclear Deal: Israel Calls UK To German Leaders, Sends Defense Secretary To US

JAKARTA - Israel is intensifying efforts to halt negotiations aimed at reviving the 2015 Nuclear Deal, as the West and Iran move closer to an agreement.

The United States (US) has responded to the 'final proposal' for the restoration of the agreement, whose full name is the European Union's Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Iran is also studying the response.

Israel warned of the consequences of the deal. Israel plans to send Defense Secretary Benny Gantz to Washington on Thursday, where Iran will be on the agenda for bilateral talks, his team said.

Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid said Tehran was manipulating talks and the deal would "respect" his country's enemies.

"On the table right now is a bad deal," Lapid said at a news conference Wednesday night.

"That would give Iran $100 billion a year," he continued.

The money will be used by the militant group Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran-backed terrorists to "destroy stability in the Middle East and spread terror throughout the world," he said.

He further said that in recent days he spoke with top leaders from Britain, France and Germany to give them their country's opinion.

"I told them that these negotiations had reached a point where they had to stop and say 'enough'."

"Western countries are drawing a red line, Iran is ignoring it, and the red line is moving," said PM Lapid.

The emerging deal "does not meet the standard set by US President Joe Biden himself: preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear power," Lapid said.

It is known, Iran has relaxed its insistence on an important point, the removal of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) from the terrorism black list of Uncle Sam's country.