This Warden Gives Secret Information About Prisoners' Cells Location Of A Criminal Gang Leader

JAKARTA - Former Changi prison officer was sentenced to 10 weeks in prison. He was found guilty of unlawfully accessing and communicating classified information.

His name was Muhammad Fattahullah Mohd Nordin who was convicted on two counts; accessing the Singapore Prison Service (SPS) computer system without authorization to obtain confidential information about the location of an inmate and provide it to an inmate.

The inmate, Abdul Karim Mohamed Kuppai Khan, is thought to be the head of a secret society, according to court documents.

In November 2020, the SPS began an internal investigation after several contraband and records containing classified information were found in inmates' cells during routine checks.

Investigations revealed that two former prison officers were suspected of accessing and providing classified information to inmates on separate occasions.

According to court documents, Abdul Karim asked Fattahullah at least five times between January and June 2020 for information about other inmates, including their location.

Fattahullah admitted to providing this information in the hope that Abdul Karim, who is known to be a nuisance, would not make it difficult for him during the night shift.

SPS referred the case to the Corruption Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) and barred the two prison officers from serving. Both later resigned.

"All SPS staff undergo training on the proper handling of confidential information," said SPS.

“Regular bulletins are also distributed to SPS staff to emphasize the importance of securing confidential information, and the importance of remaining professional at all times when dealing with inmates.”

Trial proceedings against another former prison officer, Muhammad Zul Helmy Abdul Latip, who was charged with similar offences, are ongoing.