Meeting PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu, Hary Tanoesoedibjo: Become A Starting Point For Building Political Party Collaboration

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Unity Party (Perindo) DPP Hary Tanoesoedibjo (HT) met with Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) President Ahmad Syaikhu in Jakarta, Tuesday, August 23.

During the meeting, HT was accompanied by the National Daily Chairperson of the Perindo Party DPP Tuan Guru Bajang (TGB) Muhammad Zainul Majdi, Perindo Party DPP Secretary General Ahmad Rofiq, Perindo Party Deputy DPP General Chair Ferry Kurnia Rizkiyansyah, and Perindo Party Court Chief Justice Christophorus Taufik.

Meanwhile, the PKS President was accompanied by the Secretary General of the PKS DPP Aboe Bakar Alhabsy, and the PKS General Treasurer Mahfudz Abdurrahman.

HT explained, that in the meeting with Ahmad Syaikhu there were three things that were discussed. First, to strengthen the relationship and kinship between the two leaders of the political parties.

"The first one has been explained to him, including friendship so that they are close to each other. Not only close at formal events, but in a family way, the two party leaders can be better," said HT.

Second, HT introduced TGB who is now the National Daily Chairperson of the Perindo Party DPP.

"Secondly, I would also like to introduce Mr. TGB, who has been appointed as the chairman of the National Daily, who is active every day now leading the Perindo Party," said HT.

Third, continued HT, the meeting with the PKS President is the first step on how to build collaboration.

"Thirdly, this is a starting point for how we can collaborate in the future. Which of course complement each other for the progress of our own country that we love. The point is there," said HT.

According to him, political parties may differ in the way they work, but the goal is the same how to build the NKRI to be better, bigger, advanced, and prosperous for all the children of the nation.

"The method can be various, it can be different but the goal is the same," added HT.

Meanwhile, PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu explained the meeting with HT and the top ranks of the Perindo Party to find common ground for collaboration.

"We discussed a lot, wanted to try to find common ground and efforts to build collaboration together with these two parties," said Syaikhu.

He also revealed that in the general election, coalitions between one political party and another are very flexible.

He admitted that improving people's welfare is a mandate from the founding fathers. This must be a concern for all stakeholders, especially political parties that will indeed make policies.

"There needs to be togetherness and collaboration between the parties. God willing, we will continue to explore maybe tonight to be the starting point for these two parties for the future so that the assessment is even wider," he concluded.