Celebrating The 77th Anniversary Of The Republic Of Indonesia, Eratani Shares Joy With The Families Of Foster Farmers

JAKARTA - Eratani, a start-up in the field of agricultural technology (agritech) celebrates the 77th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence with fostered farmers in Majalengka, West Java, Saturday, August 20.

The celebration was enlivened by various games and competitions which were participated by Era-Fam or Eratani employees along with all fostered farmers.

The types of activities that were contested were eating crackers, flour relay, sack races, coloring competitions for farmers' children, and many more. Each competition is carried out in groups so that cooperation between team members is needed.

“We want to celebrate the independence of the homeland with the food heroes directly, namely with the farmers. We see this as an effort to get closer personally in forming a solid farmer community, as an embodiment of our tagline #AlwaysAdaUntukPetani”, said Eratani CEO Andrew Soeherman in a written statement, Tuesday, August 23.

The event was very lively and exciting. The enthusiasm of the farmers in each of the competitions added to the festive impression and resulted in the closeness between Eratani and the fostered farmers.

“We have designed each of the competitions and games so that all the fostered farming communities starting from their wives, children, nephews, farmer cousins can participate in all of them. We want to embrace them, celebrate together, and share the fun to build a more solid community,” said Ricky Fachri, Head of Marketing & Brand Eratani.

Although the celebration of independence was very lively and full of joy, in reality there were still many Indonesian farmers who were not yet fully independent. Where 75 percent of farmers still use traditional farming methods.

They are constrained by many factors, such as lack of education, infrastructure, support from various parties.

Eratani is here to provide support that can increase farmers' yields by adding a new feature to the Eratani application, namely EraMaju.

This educational feature contains agricultural tips, information on medicines and dosages that can help in increasing crop yields where all the information can be accessed in just the palm of one's hand. (ADV)