Following Up On President Jokowi's Directives, KSP Conducts Trial Of Implementation Of Risk-Based Business Licensing

JAKARTA - The Presidential Staff Office conducted a sampling of the implementation of business licensing through the Online Single Submission Risk Based Approach (OSS-RBA) or Risk-Based Licensing system. The picking test was held by conducting a survey of 20 micro business entrepreneurs, in the city of Bandung, West Java, Monday, August 8th.

The Main Expert Staff of the Presidential Staff Office, Albertien E. Pirade, explained that the implementation of the pick test followed up on President Joko Widodo's direction regarding the acceleration of the issuance of the Business Identification Number (NIB).

"The president really wants MSME actors to be able to advance to class and be able to develop their business with the legality of business licensing. For this reason, KSP conducts a sampling test to ensure that the implementation of this risk-based business license really works," said Albertien in his written statement.

In this sampling test, the Presidential Staff Office team found that the implementation of risk-based business licensing had been going well in the field. He said that business actors had no difficulty and no fees were charged in managing the ownership of the Business Identification Number (NIB).

Business actors who register independently via online, he said, have no difficulty accessing the OSS system. Meanwhile, business actors who have not been able to register independently, receive assistance from UKM assistants or officers at the local One Stop Service (PTSP).

In addition, said Albertien, business actors also know that NIB is sufficient as a business legal requirement, namely to apply for People's Business Credit (KUR) and various certifications. Such as PIRT (home industry food production certificate), BPOM distribution permit, halal certificate, and intellectual property rights. These legalities and certificates can expand the market and gain consumer trust.

"This picking test proves that there are NIB owners who have obtained KUR, received PIRT, BPOM distribution permit, so that they are able to market their products to other provinces," he explained.

Based on the results of the picking test, explained Albertien, the Presidential Staff Office encourages local governments to be more aggressive in socializing the benefits of NIB ownership for business continuity. Moreover, until now there is still an understanding that there is no benefit in managing the NIB.

"This understanding must be broken," he said.

On that occasion, Albertien also appreciated the socialization and education programs that have been carried out by the Ministry of Investment/BKPM, Kemenkop and SMEs, as well as the Bandung City Government, either through online, field assistant officers, or officers who serve in the office.

For information, starting from August 4, 2021 - August 2 2022, BKPM has issued 1,629,778 NIB. Of these, 1,318,312 NIBs were issued for individual businesses, and 248,466 for business entities. Meanwhile, based on business scale, 1,513,038 micro businesses, 83,632 small businesses, 19,348 large businesses, and 13,760 medium businesses.

The issuance of the NIB through the Risk-Based Online Single Submission (OSS) is a manifestation of the mandate of Law No. 11/2020 concerning Job Creation (UU CK), and Government Regulation (PP) No. 5/2021 concerning Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing.