Disguised As Palestinians, Israeli Secret Forces Invade West Bank: Makes Two Arrests, One Man Dies

JAKARTA - Israel has again invaded the West Bank, an area that has become a hot spot with the Palestinians, after several clashes between the two sides since the beginning of the year.

Israeli secret forces carried out an arrest raid in a city in the occupied West Bank on Monday, Israeli police said, with the Palestinian Health Ministry saying a local man had been killed.

There were no immediate details about the identity of the man killed in Jenin, which has been a regular Israeli operation since some of its residents carried out deadly street attacks inside Israel earlier this year.

An Israeli police spokesman said commandos disguised as Palestinians entered Jenin to make two arrests and were condemned.

They then fired back, hitting several gunmen, and left without suffering any casualties, the spokesman added.

Last week, Israeli forces detained at least five Palestinians from the West Bank, according to security forces and local residents.

They said Israeli forces showed up at a house in the town of Kaffr Qallil, south of Nablus, forced their way in, and conducted a thorough search, ravaging the house before eventually detaining the two brothers, according to the Wafa news agency.

The West Bank, among areas where Palestinians seek statehood, has seen simmering violence since US-sponsored peace talks with Israel collapsed in 2014.