The Asus Video Case May Proceed Without Checking Gisel

JAKARTA - The police have increased cases of immoral videos like Gisel Anastasia from investigation to investigation. So, the examination process in an effort to reveal the case will be carried out.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus, said that in the near future investigators will examine reporters and witnesses. The examination is to investigate the social media accounts that distribute the video.

"Investigators are investigating the accounts or perpetrators who first spread or distributed them massively," Yusri told VOI, Friday, November 13.

In fact, it was not long before the case was escalated to investigation. Information was circulating when the police arrested a perpetrator with the initials PP. But there has been no official statement from the police regarding this matter.

Originally, in this case there were 5 social media accounts reported. Although, 3 of them have deleted the pornographic video.

Illustration (Pixabay)
Gisel Probably Not Checked

Meanwhile, regarding the examination process, Yusri said, the investigators may only examine the reporters and witnesses. Because, in this case, reports were received regarding the spread of pornographic content.

This means that Gisel, who is said to be the actor in the immoral video, is unlikely to be examined. Although only limited to confirm.

"What is the investigation for? The police never said that it was Gisel. Investigators work based on evidence," he said.

Yusri said that the main focus of investigators in this case was to reveal the video uploader. This is in accordance with article 27 paragraph 1 of the ITE law

"We are not after testimony, but once again we are based on evidence," he said.

Guess the Spread Motive

So far, the police have not been able to identify the perpetrators of the spread of immoral content. But if we go backward, similar cases that have happened to the artist have happened several times. Thus, the motive behind this case is predictable.

Criminologist from the University of Indonesia (UI) Ferdinand Andi Lolo argues, in this case there may be several motives behind it.

The first is the motive to defame the artist. Thus, the popularity of the artist or actor in the video fades.

The second motive is seeking profit. "For the motive of seeking profit, it can be said that the perpetrator by distributing the content hopes for something. Can get money or something," he said

Meanwhile, a criminal law expert from the Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) Yogyakarta, Prof. Mudzakir, suspects that the motive behind this case is most likely merely seeking sensation. This means that the perpetrators of the spread deliberately uploading pornographic content are just for fun.

"Usually they want to find a sensation. Or if it is true, it is only for the popularity of the actor. Usually to boost popularity again," he said.