PDIP Will Walk Towards KPU 2024 Election List, Secretary General Hasto: This Is Part Of Mental And Physical Health

JAKARTA - The Central Executive Board of the PDI-P (DPP PDIP) will register as participants in the 2024 General Election at the General Elections Commission (KPU) office on Monday, August 1.

This was conveyed by the Secretary General of the DPP PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto in the process of sending data and documents for the PDI-P Candidates for the 2024 General Election at the RI KPU Sipol at the DPP PDIP office, Jakarta.

Also present were Deputy Secretary General of PDIP Utut Adianto and Sadarestuwati, Chair of the PDIP DPP for Election Winning Division Bambang Wuryanto, Chair of the PDIP DPP for Ideology and Cadreization Djarot Saiful Hidayat, Chair of the PDIP DPP for Health, Women and Children Sri Rahayu, and Chairman of the PDIP DPP for Membership. and the Sukur Nababan Organization. In addition, all administrators from DPD and DPC to branches are online.

"Tomorrow morning on August 1, 2022, the Central Executive Board of the PDI-P will register the first one with the KPU in the verification of this political party. Why register the first one because the KPU opens at 08.00 WIB, at 08.00 WIB the first one," said Hasto in an electronic message received in Jakarta, Sunday, July 31.

According to him, this was an instruction from the PDI-P General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri in the last National Working Meeting.

"As a commitment to how the PDI-P is truly consistent in participating in all stages of the election, we are ordered to be the first," said Hasto.

Later, he emphasized, the PDIP DPP would walk to the KPU. "Tomorrow will be walking as part of the green economy and mental and physical health as echoed in Sicita from the PDIP DPP office on Jalan Diponegoro to the KPU office," said Hasto.

Hasto explained that there would be a spirit of sport and culture on the walk of the DPP PDIP group to the KPU office. "Of course with the cultural identity of the archipelago that is part of Bung Karno's Trisakti, which the PDI-P continues to build on," he continued.

He also emphasized that registration with the KPU is not only considered as part of a series of stages in the 2024 election, but also encourages quality improvements in the general election.

"So PDIP will convey the message of the election to build the civilization of Greater Indonesia," said Hasto.

Therefore, he continued, PDIP will also display the spirit of August 17 which symbolizes the spirit of nationalism.

"We also show the spirit of August 17th. So tomorrow we will come there with a spirit of nationalism,” said Hasto.