Police Legs Hit By Arrows While Safeguarding Clashes In Medan Belawan

MEDAN - Clashes between youths again occurred in Medan Belawan District. As a result of the clash, a policeman was injured by an arrow.

Belawan Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head AKP Rudy Syahputra when confirmed by reporters confirmed this. Apart from police officers, he said, 2 residents were also injured in the clashes.

He said the clash involved youths from Lorong Melati and Lorong Papan.

The arrow, he said, hit the calf of the policeman's leg. However, he said the victim was not seriously injured.

"Yes, only minor injuries. Ordinary injuries," said AKP Rudy, Tuesday, July 26.

Regarding the incident, he was not willing to explain in detail. AKP Rudy said his party would immediately explain the case.

"The plan is to release, we will be notified later," he concluded.