Yahoo Remove Automatic Message Forward Feature For Free Users

JAKARTA - Yahoo Mail is rumored to be removing the email forward feature automatically. Users who still want to use this feature are required to subscribe to Yahoo Mail Pro.

Starting January 1, 2021, this feature cannot be used for regular email subscribers, due to security reasons. Yahoo says that free Yahoo Mail users can still use their email service safely.

"We are constantly evaluating and services that violate security standards, and have decided to remove this feature as a way to help free Yahoo Mail users stay safe," Yahoo said as quoted by ZDNet, Wednesday, November 10.

Yahoo Mail alone has more than three billion users. However, many of them have left the service.

Especially after Yahoo announced, a major hacking incident that occurred on the email platform in the fall of 2016. In addition, Yahoo's email forwarding feature is often misused for advertising spam and phishing.

Where hackers or known hackers can make their victims receive copies of advertising messages on a continuous basis. Moreover, many users still concentrate their email traffic on one account.