DKI Health Office Opens Booster Vaccine Service At Jakarta Fair Kemayoran

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Office opened a booth for health checks and a third dose of vaccination or booster (booster) at the Jakarta Fair Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, Saturday, July 16.

DKI Jakarta Health Office officer, Rofi Yuliandra, said that the DKI Jakarta Health Office opened a simple inspection booth through screening people's health and lifestyle at the Jakarta Fair Kemayoran.

"We are here to open health screenings for productive age, starting from blood pressure, blood sugar, weight and other simple checks," said Rofi in Jakarta as quoted by Antara.

Rofi said the DKI Jakarta Health Office's booth had served more than 2,000 visitors who came to do health checks during the Jakarta Fair.

"Since we opened from the beginning of the Jakarta Fair, the average visitor per day is approximately 100 people, and the age range is 25 to 35 years, for the elderly there are also several," said Rofi.

Rofi added that for people who came during the examination and experienced health problems, his party would provide a referral to the nearest Puskesmas for further examination.

One of the visitors to the health check booth of the DKI Jakarta Health Office, Henny (68) admitted that he was happy with the existence of this inspection booth.

"At first I didn't know, I happened to pass by so I just tried to check, just checked my blood pressure and sugar, it's good to be here and the service is free," he said.

In addition to health checks, the DKI Jakarta Health Office also provides booster vaccination booths for visitors who have not received the third dose of vaccination.

A number of ranks of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Office opened a booth in Hall C1 of the Jakarta Fair during the Jakarta Fair Kemayoran which took place from June 9 to July 17, 2022.